THE HOMESCHOOL CYBER-NEWS June 1995 It's summer! Welcome to our first ever issue of The Homeschool Cyber-News. Some of us are homeschooling as usual, some are preparing to slack off a while (some of us always slack off ), but here are some cheery announcements, brilliant ideas and zany quotes to brighten your month. This must surely be the only newsletter ever which had a brownie recipe AND a secret passageway! If this newsletter comes into your mail less than gorgeous, try widening your window. If you have suggestions for making it better next time, let us know. If you'd prefer not to receive this ever again as long as you live, let us know. If you want to write part of it next time, start writing! Short, sweet and funny go to the head of the queue. Were you aware of the live chats for homeschoolers? Our online chats are fun places to meet old friends to make new friends, to hang out and listen, or to get your questions answered. They attract big, friendly groups so feel free to join any or all of these: Thursday Evening Chat Schedule (always 9:00-11:00 p.m. Eastern time, Homefront Hall): Thursday, June 1, open chat (any & all topics!) Thursday, June 8, open chat (any & all topics!) Thursday, June 15, Homeschool Chat with guest NancyAA to discuss Online Safety Special emphasis on Keeping Kids Safe Online--hosted by MyCamelot and TinaNH Thursday, June 22, open chat (any & all topics!) Thursday, June 29 Homeschool Chat about organizational and/or money-saving tips. Hosts: Retromom and TinaNH Kids' Chats (Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern time, The Shade Tree) The host is KTrautman and her assistant is Elizabyrd (Molly). Join our new Wednesday Chat!!! Wednesday, June 7 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm Eastern Time, in Homefront Hall, and all following Wednesdays until further notice! No topic for the first chat, just getting to know each other and brainstorming topics and guests for future chats. Come join us! Host: Journey100 The Cyber-News CONTEST for June Our first contest is going to be coming up with future contests. What could we put here that would be fun, uplifting and educational? Things that aren't much harder for kids than parents... The submittors of the best three suggestions will each receive an hour of AOL credit. Next month we might have more substantial prizes (or we might have more hours of AOL credit ) but either way it will be fun and you can earn the praise and awe of your fellow homeschoolers. We'll publish the winners next month! Send your ideas for contests to HS Mail before June 14. If you'd like to be one of the judges, send a note and say that too (whether or not you enter). The full list of entries will be mailed out to the judges June 14 and we'll have fun all summer with some great contests! (Lest you forget to send your entry, I'll ask your neighbors to put flags out, so if you see American flags everywhere, it's to remind you of the contest deadline. This reminder does not apply outside the U.S. and its possessions.) PLACES TO GO - THINGS TO SEE If you've found a cool place online that others might be interested in send your ideas to HSMail. We'll publish a selection of them each month. Here are some of our favorites: Keyword: Kidsnet >>KIDSNET is the only national, non-profit computerized clearinghouse devoted to children's television, radio, audio and video programming.<< You can search the database for programs, write in two message board areas (one for parents, one for kids), and download study guides related to programs. Keyword: National Geographic Download maps, read articles like: Far Out Facts: Animal Speeds, take the Geo-quiz challenge, learn about NGS's Geography Bee, order periodicals, find out about NGS Kids' Network and about Geographic TV, or write in the message boards. Educational, fun, resourceful - there's a lot there! Keyword: Education, then Educational Software Libraries This area has >>collections of educational software developed by America Online's Computing and Software department and represent the largest collection of educational software available on any commercial online service<< Regardless of your type of computer you can find all kinds of software for your homeschooling needs. A recent look at foreign languages found software on Spanish, Latin, Korean, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French & others. You can search by area of interest (foreign languages) or by level (elementary). Have fun looking for great stuff - and be sure to let us know what you find that is good. Having trouble opening or dealing with any of the programs you download? Go to keyword Free and talk to the friendly folks at Tech Support Live! LOVE NOTES/FAN MAIL If you don't already know, we love getting love notes and plan to share the best unashamedly. "I just can't get over the nice welcome I got in my mailbox from MyCamelot and what it means to me to find other home schoolers out there. Keep up the good communication. I feel often like we are adventurer/explorers on a new frontier." "LAUGHING OUT LOUD" Homeschoolers are sometimes characterized as being just a bit on the serious side. Seriously folks, we have a great time online and our humorous moments are usually our best! Language Acquisition: This was posted by PSoroosh: <> If you can't beat 'em.... From: PIZMIRE <> And about that physical education aspect... << I took my sil and mil to the park where we usually meet on Wed. with a large homeschooling group. It's a big, lovely park with alot of equipment that my children seem to enjoy. . . . My four year old was running around and up and over the wooden jungle gym, climbing over the monkey bars, hanging from the monkey bars, racing across the wooden "bridge," etc. And my mil turns to me and says: "It would be so nice to get him into a gymnastics or tumbling class. That way he'd have an outlet for all that energy." :-) Need I say more?>> (This was posted on the boards... I'm quoting it anonymously, but with the author's permission... y'never know whose mil (mother-in-law) might be reading! Overheard in the Poolside Chat: >>Felicitas, your brownies-to-kill-for are delicious! You were right--long term storage is not a problem!;-) We're on our second batch around here! << And the recipe is [drumroll, please...]: In microwave, melt together 3 one-ounce squares unsweetened baking chocolate and one stick butter.* In small bowl, beat 4 eggs. Remove melted chocolate mixture and stir til smooth. Stir in one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon vanilla (I like alcohol free "cook's" vanilla) and 2 cups sugar. Stir in the beaten eggs. Stir in one cup flour. Stir in 6 to 8 ounces chocolate chips (a whole 12 oz. bag is too much; plus, this way you leave some in your cupboard for surreptitious munching). Pour batter into greased 13x9x2 inch baking dish. Bake at 350 for one-half hour. DO NOT OVERBAKE. Test for doneness with a toothpick. Cut into squares and roll in powdered sugar, while still almost too hot to touch, then store in an airtight container. (Extended storage isn't usually a problem.) * You may of course melt the chocolate and butter on the stovetop, or over the fire in your cave, if necessary :-) This was my mom's recipe, 'though she used a cup of chopped walnuts instead of choc. chips. My kids don't like nuts, and walnuts make my mouth itch, so I had to sacrifice with the substitution ;-) Enjoy! Felicitas. P.S. If you want to give the recipe a cutesy name (besides "Brownies to Kill For," as my friend Meg calls them), try "Felicitations." [Editorial comment: Yum yum yum yum yum yum yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm] There's a lot more of this fun stuff in the Homeschool Connection area! Here's the secret passageway to get there really fast. You can keyword "homeschool" or, better yet, make a shortcut by using "Edit Favorite Places" (for MAC folks) or "Edit Go To Menu" (for IBM) under the "GoTo" pulldown at the top of your screen. Open the Favorite Places editor (the maker of secret passageways) and put the keyword in one of those spaces, and from then on you can hit that as soon as you log on and voila! Homeschool City in one easy step. ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE: Yes, we can be serious too. We are serious about our families, serious about our commitment to homeschooling and definitely serious about our AOL bills !!! From AOL Q & A: "How do I log a folder?" <> And, a special piece that warmed our hearts and brought tears to our eyes: For Elias: Why Mommy is So Bittersweet on Your Birthday You pad into the room, your little eyes a brown question mark. It is your birthday. You are two today. So who brought you here? I know that a half world away a young woman has left her work station.. maybe for the tea house and will laugh with friends and smile a very sad, distant smile as she remembers you. Your first flutterings in her tummy. Your first hard kicks. Your grandparents' faces when they learned you were coming into an unwelcoming world. Your first cry of life. Did you suckle? Did you have kisses on your sweet face or were you whisked away and out of sight like an empty plate from a banquet table. Leaving her forever hungry for you. You punch your mylar helium balloon...little tough guy... ride your rocking horse and pull your new wagon. Soon there will be sherbet and cake and pizza and soda. Damn, I forgot kimchee. And a half world away I can feel a salty tear, I can hear the beating of a hurting heart and I know you are loved and remembered today. I wish she could know that I, too, remember and love her. +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+ You'll hear from us again around the beginning of July. We hope to hear from you by e-mail or on the bulletin boards between now and then. May your June be filled with love and happiness. the Staff... RETROMOM, MyCamelot, Journey100, KTrautman, TinaNH, Elizabyrd, and your humble editor, SandraDodd